My own personal shiny rainbow.

Nov 03, 2008 12:27

I seem to always start off my posts with "So it's been a while..." So to make things interesting, I won't use that.

A while it has been since posted I have. God, where to start.

Tom and I are living with our respective mothers. After like 6 months.. 8 months? of living together, we failed at paying rent, and so we decided it was time to live apart. We're still together (I think? o_O), but things have been kinda weird. Apparently his mother "frowns upon" us spending time together, which pisses me off. I know it matters because he's living there, but for God's sake, stand up for yourself and what you love already.

I've been hanging out on WoW lately, over on Earthen Ring. I've found some new faces, new people that I adore. Acceptance is a beautiful thing. I -also- have found some old faces that make me smile from ear to ear. (<3s to Luki, Mari, and Zihasi <3)

I've been working at Waffle House lately, which isn't my place of choice to work at, but it works for the time being. Mom has been awesome. She's going to help me go see Donovan for his birthday on the 5th, and she's also going to help me find a place of my own around here and help me out for as long as I need it. This makes me a verreh happeh Sooze. I was surprised, really. It took a little bit of hammering it into her head that I had nowhere else to go, but she finally got the message, and lo and behold, here I am.

Life's going up.
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