Politics - Blah!

Oct 11, 2009 14:43

I am so sick and tired of the us vs. them, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican mentality happening all over the country. The snide remarks and generalizations are everywhere; in the news, on Facebook and Live Journal, talk shows, at kitchen tables - everywhere! There is no escaping the negativity. It is stupid, pointless and demoralizing. Those of you who engage in this crap are hurting this country more than the politicians are. Most people I know are neither entirely liberal nor entirely conservative, including myself. Most of us are liberal about some issues and conservative about others. Furthermore, the people I know who are most conservative and whose politics I disagree with are NOT evil bastards who don't give a damn about people, the environment, human rights, education or health care. They simply feel differently than I do about how to institute change and where to begin. They are no less entitled to their opinions than I am to mine. Thank God we live in a country where we enjoy the freedom to have these disagreements. Thank God we have the disagreements. Great change comes from the compromise forged out of the debates caused by disagreement. No change comes out of name calling, stereotyping and finger pointing. The mud-slinging has GOT to STOP!!!! It's childish and needlessly offensive and it serves no purpose other than further divide this country into halves which can never reconcile or work together. I can't remember a time in my life when this country was so vehemently divided and it makes me a little ashamed to an American, quite frankly. It's time to start listening to one another, learning from one another, and forging some compromises.

Just needed to get that off my chest.
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