Feb 12, 2009 03:32
My poor alexis has had such a hard month, drs and tests and crying just awful
constipation, put on miralax for 3 weeks, stomach pain screaming, stomach xray week ago shows shes packed full, 3 days in a row the dr had me do an enema and suppositories, didnt work, back yesterday for another xray shes still got a belly full, increase meds to make her go, not to be so open but the girls had poop 3 weeks ago as big around as a pop can, so her test is showing her colon is swelled and painful even now cause of the stress it had on it. even small poop passing is painful. she is getting better, not crying every 2 seconds just like once every couple hours, shes been out of school for a while now and im trying to get her back tomorrow if the weather holds up, high wind here and electric keeps going off. shes also on acid reful med now cause she was so full of poop it was making her stomach acids give her acid up her esophogus. Please pray for my baby to get better if you can. Thanks