Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember

Jun 19, 2006 02:49

Its funny, how things happen. Its like everything happens for a reason. So much has happened in the past month, aside from graduating high school. Everything fell into place, the things i had been stressing so much over. Im starting a great school in July, and i finally got the guy of my dreams. I know so much has happened between us, and we've had so many fights and so many arguments. I've spent so many nights tossing and turning, sleeplessly, thinking about him. And no matter how much he hurt me, I still loved him. Because everything happens for a reason. Its not always easy, and its not always wonderful. It is the ugly that shapes a relationship. And i know that, because i've lived it. As much as id like to go back in time and erase everything that happened, im glad i cant. Im happier now with Nick than i've ever been. And although its not the same happiness as when we first started going out, it is a much deeper one. I've been acting so cold towards him lately, im not sure he realizes how happy he makes me. How much i enjoyed our getaway to the keys. From the second i got into his car everything changed. Our relationship just felt different. He held my hand the whole way down, he kissed my head, he didnt flinch when i touched his neck, he told his mom he wanted to marry me. And at night when the covers would fall off of me, he'd pull them back on so i wouldnt get cold. He even made me tacos and breakfast in bed. It was like everything i had been waiting for magically appeared before me. I had my Nick back. And now here i am, counting down the seconds until i get to see him again, until i can see his smile and hold his hand. There was a period in my life when i thought that nothing could go right, and now its like everything is perfect. I will always love him, i dont know how to stop, i dont know how to let a day go by without hearing his voice. He will never know just how happy i get when my phone rings and i see its him calling, or how when he sends me a picture i look at it and i actually get weak in the knees. How beautiful i think he is. He'll never know that every time i see him, i fall in love all over again, or that every minute im not with him, feels like days. He'll never know that i wear his shirt every night to sleep. Or that i get butterflys in my stomach when he smiles at me. There are so many things about this boy that i love, mostly the fact that he loves me back so deeply. No one can make me smile like he can, no one can make me as crazy, no one can make me feel as complete. Im missing so many things, and he fills in all the holes. The most amazing feeling is falling in love with your best friend.

My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry, whichever you prefer
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