Hello, it's been a while! Here's a new update:
Welcome back to Mesa Vista and the Outside family! There is a reason for the looooonnnnng break, like over the past several months I played a few of the families in a different order than I wanted to write them, and wrote 99% of Nicole and Mina's chapter at Uni almost a month ago, so you can expect the Uni update to follow shortly.
Okay, enough with the excuses, I say we follow Emily's lead and jump in where we last left off...
It didn't seem possible, but the first thing that came up was Little Neil's birthday!
Who's not so little anymore. And as I suspected, he became a handsome young man, indeed!
Shortly thereafter, Nemo became a City Planner and the second resident in Mesa Vista to become perma-plat, behind Marie Sims who had maxed all her skills.
To help Nemo with his new LTW to earn §100,000, and to take advantage of pretty much unlimited Energizers, I built Nemo's Slumberland in honor of his namesake. (Okay, perhaps "honor" is the wrong word, but wait until you see the inside!)
It was also the 15th player-owned community lot, which increased the SM by 1, from 19 to 20. Yay!
First though, what other tidbits can I share about this family?
Emily, the youngest daughter (purple PJs) took after her dad and became a little on the chubby side thanks to their visit to the Pagoda Sushi earlier in the week.
And as much as Faith Goodie loathed her husband's propensity for telling dirty jokes, every single Outside loved them!
"What can I do for you? Teenagers aren't The Dugout's usual clientele."
"My sisters are headed to college later tonight, that's Nicole in the red and Mina's got the ponytail, and I'm Emily, and that's my brother Neil, and you're the only place in town with pool tables."
Madeleine Mazza eyed them skeptically, but said, "Okay, follow me, but don't expect too much, it's been a long time since we've been open." Since before Neil Cameron had passed on and she had given birth to Nellie, actually.
"Are you sure this is gonna work, Mina?"
"I hope so, it's our last chance for another scholarship. Now I kinda wish we hadn't goofed off so much."
If there was one thing the Outside family knew, it was Outings.
"Yep, I've mished the good ol' Dugout." Rebecka Rossi downed half her glass before raising it to Madeleine in a toast. "To Neil."
"To Neil," Maddie repeated quietly.
"Neil? Am I missing something?" Mina asked, unable to fathom why the two women would be toasting her brother.
"Neil Cameron established this business, the first one here to be designated as a club. And then he died."
"Oh... sorry."
Oh, no no no no no no no no! NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
"But he's been potential future spouse material all along, and you can't deny he's hot!"
And he's much too old for you! AND he could be your grandfather's double!
Say goodbye right now, Troy.
"There will be no more of that behavior, young Mina. Now, can I get you something non-alcoholic to drink or shall I give you the boot too?"
"Um, a virgin whatever it was that lady had? The kind with the umbrella?"
"I'll have another umbrella special too, please!"
Noogies apparently had nothing to do with Nice points, proof being Emily's 9 to Neil's 1.
"Why does she get to have all the fun?"
"You snooze, you lose, bro."
Despite spending more than a full "day" at The Dugout playing non-stop pool (Nicole especially), neither girl got the billiards scholarship.
I sent Mina to college first by mistake (technically she was born a few days after Nicole), with two scholarships: Academics and Young Entrepreneur for topping the teen Medical career.
Nicole also had two scholarships: Academics and the Quigley Visual Arts Grant for having 8 Creativity points.
"Remember, we got that top-of-the-line computer for your studies, not goofing off 24/7. I'm talking to you, Nicole!"
"I know, Dad!"
"And don't forget to graduate!"
"Duh, we won't, Mom!"
"And be careful, no tripping when you dance!"
"That was Mina!"
"Have you forgotten who almost kicked me in the chin?"
"That's it, both of you get out of the car, I'm invoking Thunderdome Law right now..."
"Nemo, stop that!"
"Bye, Mom, Dad, we love you!"
"Love you too, babies..."
"Did you notice the girls weren't exactly bragging about their scholarships?"
"Sometimes I forget which one came first, so... no?"
"Sorry, you know I love them to pieces..."
"Then you won't mind that I stuffed one of my networking gifts in Nicole's backpack. It's important to me that they don't have to miss out on anything while they're at University."
"Aw, honey, believe me, I understand."
After Nicole and Mina's departure, both Neil and Emily rolled Wants to get a skill point, and they also rolled Wants to attend college. Out of fairness, I'll probably send both, even though Emily is Family with no career-related LTW (like her mom, she wants 3 kids to graduate from college) and with Neil being Popularity with a LTW to become Mayor, I don't expect either one to go into aspiration failure for being unedumacated. I'm not making any promises, though!
Aside from taking after her father, another reason I'm not pushing Emily to change her body shape is she rolled Grilled Cheese for her secondary aspiration. I haven't played a Grilled Cheese Sim before, and so far it hasn't taken over her life - she's only rolled one Want to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
"Who is it?" Nemo asked.
"How is Uni? Do you like it so far? Are you having fun?"
"You're kidding, really? I would like to have seen that! Can you put her on the phone?"
"You're welcome, I figured you could use it. I didn't want you girls to have to worry about money."
"Breakdancing, really? You're so lucky, it sure sounds different than when I went!"
"Look at you, between your job and running the clothes store, your hair's gotten long again."
"You're telling me... the town is growing so fast and townies are... well, you know, townies... it's hard to keep up with the demand."
"Even too busy for a haircut?"
"Ehr... you don't like it like this?"
"Of course I like it!"
"Reminds me of our dream dates at Uni."
"Speaking of dream dates, wanna have one?"
Wuh-oh, we're heading for BANNED4LYFE territory, only EA dropped the Sims 2 like a hot potato, therefore eliminating that storytelling obstacle...
Psyche! If it's one thing the Outsides knew, it was that Bust A Move was a top precursor to most of their Dream Dates.
"You know, there's one thing we still haven't done outside the Apocalypse."
"I can think of a lot of things..."
"You know what I mean..."
Nope, not that...
"Do you want to tell them, Ciel?"
"You go right ahead, honey."
"Since all of us are rested up at the same time for once, we're going to open our new store. And your mother is expecting."
"Expecting what? Oh... whoa..."
"I have three cheesecakes from Just Desserts in my inventory, would you like one?" Emily offered.
"Uhr-herm! Come on, everybody, finish up. Time's a-wastin'."
"You sure seem happy."
"Of course I'm happy, what's not to be happy about?"
"So you guys actually planned this?"
"Sure, why not? And if you say we're too old, I'll clobber you with a bottle."
"I just want to experience having a baby without Apocalypse restrictions, is that so strange?"
"When you put it that way, I guess not. Do I have to help at the store?"
"It won't be too hard with four of us, and it's not like we have to get it to the top level right away, though your dad is on this money-making kick right now..."
"And there's no better way to meet some girls..."
"I'm gonna be meeting girls here? No way!"
"Nemo, it's, it's..."
"I know, even I think it's over the top, but don't pass judgment until you see the inside."
"I think it looks fun," said Emily.
"That's my girl!"
"Your dad and I are taking the pajamas, you and Neil will be the princess and prince."
"Nuh-uh. Building Body here."
"Neil, don't be a grumpy butt!" Emily said crossly and then turned back to Ciel. "Can I pick the clothes myself?"
"I can pick his too."
"I'll pick my own, thank you very much!"
"Wow, it looks like we're on a cloud, or in a dream."
"That's the idea."
Neil was relieved to find that he didn't suffer from the work uniform/face changing glitch that had temporarily plagued his parents.
"Your store is positively dreamy! Look at me, I don't even need a bed, but here I am with a bagful."
"Can I just come here every night to sleep?" Kennedy Barthelet asked in a hushed tone.
"I know, right?"
"I think it's a winner, Mom."
"I do, too."
"Lovely store! You and your sister look so cute, your costumes are perfect!"
"Did you hear that lady? She says you're cute!"
"Hey, you're wrecking the hair!"
"How's this for a grumpy butt?"
"So many to choose from, it's hard to decide, y'know?" *wink wink*
"Let me get my brother to help you."
I remember this kid (Luc Shahan)! He tried to hit on a just-aged-down Faith Goodie clad in nothing more than her skivvies, and now he's bought multiple beds? I smell trouble...
"I like your hair... Did Yvette Tan do it?"
"I know, shocker, right?"
"Do you have anything romantic?" inquired Gabriella Newson.
"Oh yeah, haha, I see how the boys at school flock to you."
"I'm not going for twenty, if that's what you're wondering."
"Oh! I didn't mean... Okay maybe I was wondering..."
"Is there a rule that future Hall of Famers can't like romance?"
"Of course not! What about the canopy bed over there..?"
"Hey, Meadow, can I help you find something?"
Meadow Goss and Neil had one bolt and were about a phone chat away from becoming friends.
"Do you think your parents would hire me?"
"Oh. So you don't want a bed?"
"No, I'll take this one. So, do you think they would?"
"Not right away, but maybe later."
"Put a good word in for me, I want to be on the list."
I thought for sure Ciel would be able to run the register decently after helping out at Outside Outfitters, but she doesn't have a single Register badge yet.
It's always a little difficult when Gretchen Homeless shows up at Mesa Vista's stores, which she does quite often. Carl, too, but it seems less cruel because he hasn't known anything but being homeless. I keep the sales people away hoping she'll give up and leave before her sales bar fills up, which runs a bit too true to RL :(
"Mm, great store."
"Mm-hm." Neil did his best to keep his eyes from honing in on Ginger Newson's finger, which she appeared to be jamming up her nose.
"Thing is, my family's pretty broke after paying our taxes this week."
"Sounds like an issue to look into when I run for Mayor."
"That would be helpful."
And when Madeleine Dallas's finger did the same, he just about busted a gut.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing's funny about the two bolts I have with you. Can I call you some time?"
*Giggle* "I just got a cell phone, here's my number."
"Where'd you get the cell phone?"
"The library."
"Thanks, I'll have to check it out..."
"So... sleepy... need a bed... bad..."
Does anyone else love the irony of this? If I had really needed to level up the bed store, I would have crammed a tent somewhere on the lot, but as it was, it reached a solid Level 3 before Emily finally plum tuckered out. (Nemo, Ciel and Neil could all use the Energizer.)
I have to admire Ginger for sticking to her guns and not buying a bed she couldn't afford.
Whether Neil will remember what was in essence his first campaign promise remains to be seen...
The grand opening of Nemo's Slumberland brought almost ten thousand simoleons to Outside's cash fund, and Nemo was approaching the lucrative §62,500 earnings aspiration boost, so he wrote a best-selling novel, which brought around §2,500, not much more than non-bestsellers did. I don't know if the price goes up with each additional book or not. He also cashed the Fortune perk that pays money for giving financial advice, though that too seemed low at §200 for what seemed like a lot less often than every Sim hour, according to SimsWiki.
As promised, Neil called Madeleine Dallas, who said it would be her pleasure to come over.
"How's your back after carrying your bed home?"
"Ooohoo, much better now..."
Aww, they're cute, but that brown wall is booorrrrring. *pauses to decorate*
I haven't decided if Madeleine will ultimately be "the one" for Neil, but so far he only rolls Wants for her even over making friends with others, and currently wants to make out with her, so we'll see...
Emily, an avid chess fan with 7 Logic points, headed out to see what the Gaming hobby lot was like.
Games of Glory was decidedly an unglorious example of Sims architecture.
"Where's the gaming competition being held?"
"Over there in the Green Room. Have a look around, play whatever you want, we're not on a strict timetable here."
While Emily warmed up for the competition with pinball, I busied myself with clicking on the games in the different rooms to see if there were other competitions to enter (nope, only the computers) and was so underwhelmed, I didn't bother taking pictures.
Okay, here we go...
Woo, exciting! *yawn*
So exciting to win a competition pretty much against yourself! At least, it wasn't until the contest was almost over that the head gaming honcho sat down to a computer.
After the competition, Emily was more than ready for a hamburger.
"I give this place a big fat 'meh'," Kerie Ng said, the first to join Emily after a quick lap around the small pool.
"Yeah, my competition was a dud, but five hundred simoleons is five hundred simoleons, so I guess I shouldn't complain."
"I was hoping for a Don't Wake the Llama! tournament, since I don't have room at home for a table," Stephan Shin said. "What about you, um, Professor..?"
"Jake Chun. My Muse II for artists is quite nice."
"Marie Sims says there's not a car to be found at Will's Garage, but she liked the cooking competition at Sue's Kitchen."
"Wow, it's later than I thought, I'd better get going. It was nice meeting you all."
"Bye, Emily!"
"Congrats on your win!"
"Why were you out so late last night?"
"Hoo-hoo-hah, I went to a gaming competition."
"Aw man, I would've gone with ya."
"I didn't know how long were gonna be 'busy' with Madeleine. HOO-HOO-HAHA!"
"Hi, Nicole, just checking in to see how sorority life is going?"
"News? What news?"
"Okay, next week. We have some news too!"
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours..."
"Next week then."
"Bye, love you too."
"Well? What's the news?"
"She wouldn't say, except it was a surprise..."
"Surprise! Oh man, just what the father of every daughter wants to hear..."
"And that we don't have to worry."
"Oh man..."
"It's only 'til next week, Nemo."
"Yeah, and a week around here can seem like months and months..."
"Wanna have a food race, Dad? Ready, set, go!"
And that's where we'll leave the Outsides while they wait for next "week." (*cough* Psh yeah right...)
BaCC quick stats:
Sim count + graves: 39 (+ 2 on the way *eeeeeeee!*)
Sim multiplier: 20
Population: 780
Again, I should be posting Mina and Nicole's Uni update soon.
Thanks for reading and Happy Simming!