How can a baby take three ounces of breast milk and make a gallon of puke? That's what Jackie got me for my birthday....I was soaked from my shoulders to my knees. Why is it that babies and kids always get sick in the middle of the night? I'm just lucky that she didn't puke on the laptop I guess. She's feeling better now, but I'm not sure if trying a new food was a good idea this close after her being sick, because I'm not sure if the gas attack tonight was from the sweet potatoes or just residual ickyness.
I was messing around on facebook last night, and found a truckload of people I went to high school with. It was kinda tedious, but rewarding, as I was just looking at Palatine High School, no year specified, and found Jen! Formerly Spaulding, then B-something, now Bordis. She's got another little girl, 7 months old. :) She's got a picture up of her and Fiona, and Fiona's sooo big! Also, got an entertaining video of Jack tonight, in her walker, scooting backwards across the floor. Be warned, I squeak. :)
[More videos from lorilei0120]