
Dec 06, 2011 11:00

Work is slow as hell again. Happens every time we get close to Christmas. So I spend all day looking at one file when I should really just do the fucking thing and then I can do other things guilt free. I fear that I am a procrastinator.

In gaming news, LOVED Star Wars: The Old Republic. I got into a couple of the beta weekends and I thought I'd hate it, I really did. But in fact, I got way into it from a role playing perspective. Didn't think I would, since I suck at RP-ing, but since our guild is playing Imperial at launch, I made my inquisitor the evilest bitch I could. Goddamn, that was fun. I killed everyone I could, given the chance. I was evil incarnate. TOR has "levels" of dark side and I got to level 2 by the time beta was over. My character's eyes had turned yellow and she had black lines around her eyes and mouth. I can't wait to see how fucked up she can get when the game comes out officially.

Canceled Rift and managed to do it right before my free month was up and it was about to renew. I went and bought Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and oh my GOD is that game addictive. Like, seriously seriously addictive. I was up until 4AM playing it on Saturday/Sunday. I have a bajillion quests and there's all this STUFF to look at everywhere. I met a talking dog and we killed a bunch of elves together. It was pretty awesome. I'm part of the Dark Brotherhood (we kill people!) and the Thieves Guild (we...steal shit, obv) and a member of the Stormcloaks (rebellion!) and STILL not even close to scratching the surface of the game. Not to mention all the dragons all over the place. Whew. 37 hours into the game and I have so much to do. Won't get it done before TOR comes out, but it'll be a good thing to play to get my fantasy fix.

MCR was on Yo Gabba Gabba and while I have no idea what Yo Gabba Gabba is other than a kids show I was LOVING their little song and their little outfits and their BIG smiles. OMG. Frank's HUGE smile at the end. Ugh. They are ADORABLE. I love them. I know I probably won't always have this HUGE LOVE for them, but I will always LOVE them. Any new albums or singles or anything that comes out I will buy. They've become one of the bands that I will always always support. They'd have to do something really heinous for me not to love them.
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