
Oct 03, 2011 17:51

Canceled my WoW account. I've been subbed since launch day, almost 7 years now. It was time to move on...the game just wasn't holding my attention anymore. I'm now spending the majority of my time playing XBox. Finished Dead Island (need a break before the 2nd playthrough, just cannot face doing the city again so soon), finished Gears of War 3 (great story, short campaign--need to try some co-op), finished Space Marine (FUCK the Ork boss, for real), and now I'm working my way through Dead Space (SO good). All of this in anticipation of RAGE, which comes out tomorrow, and which I'm going to go pick up tomorrow at Gamestop. Ugh. All the gameplay videos for RAGE, I love them. They were at PAX this year and I dismissed the game without taking a close look. Should have tried to get a chance to play it. But I get to play it tomorrow, so yay!

Thinking about signing up for the Werewolf Big Bang, which looks like it'll start in January. I've got the story started so it would just be a matter of buckling down and writing the damn thing. I still want to finish it--there are people demaniding it (*cough*needlemage*cough*) and I'm still excited about it, so finish it I shall!

Watching Chopped on Hulu and updating my Dad's website. After this, gonna go play some more Dead Space and see how far I can get before RAGE comes out.
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