
Jul 19, 2011 12:39

Just wrangled an invite to Google Music. and by wrangled, I mean that I entered in my email address in the "ask for an invite" section. So, woot!

Won't be uploading any music just yet as we're at like 111gb for usage per Comcast and only halfway through the month. We should be fine if we continue normal usage, but doing a ton of music uploading might send us into that 250gb FUCK YOU CONSUMER land as Comcast doesn't like that shit, yo.

Telecommuting has been given the big thumbs up, so by the end of this month I will be working from home. I'm just happy to still have a job. It'll be weird, but I'm starting to get the area for my desk set up. Need to steal one of the plastic mats from work so as not to fuck up the carpet anymore than it already is. Work is providing our PCs, monitors, and incidental office supplies (though we are strictly paperless--no printing allowed!) I have to provide a phone. I have a headset, I just need some sort of adapter to use with the phone. I did buy a phone, but I have to take it back as I found a review on Amazon that said the phone I got does not play well with the Plantronics headset I have. So! It shall be returned.

Writing continues apace. Had to completely revamp some shit and that was pretty disheartening, but I got past it. It's so hard to be patient and not rush the story and get to the scenes that are the most vivid in my head. But I'm getting there.
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