the postman always rings twice

Jun 12, 2011 01:49

The re-visiting of the epileptic cuckoo clock.

*are they tremors***are they seizures***are they tremors***are they seizures***

Tremors with shaking hands would be the medicine side-effects which I have lived with on/off for years. A hallmark almost.
Jerky motions to point of hitting a dish in a restaurant my hand going upward from my lap or..flipping silverware....covering it up with the 'clumsy' excuse.
Jerky sudden arm jerks and such are seizures. Albeit I am awake and otherwise fine but it ain't really 'fine'.

This time around I am tired. I have no patience for it. It has finally just plain all out aggravated me now.

SO...after having finally lost my 'stoic' patience of forever's time onward I called and spoke with the doctor this past wednesday with calm curious questions on my symptoms...and then again thursday upon his request for me to call him back as he was going to look at my file.

After much discussion of what exactly it is I am experiencing it has been decided we will try upping my dosage by a third.

I am to call him to follow-up this thursday.

If the arms stop jerking....if the jerks stop....

Then they are seizures.

A good thing that the medicine will control it in the new doseage if it comes to it.

A bad thing that the jerks have come back or changed their degree of need to be controlled.

But controlled will be better.
The jerks can be very tiring and stressful and worrying and....distracting.
The body gets tired from the ongoing assault to the system nonstop. better. Not ever cured of course. But controlled will be nice.
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