Reepo died this morning of old age.
Reepo was on the very old side for a bearded dragon. He was about to turn 8yrs old.
They don't all make it to this age.
Never sick a day in his life.
But couldn't stop him from getting old.
Was expected in its finality.
It is just hardest when you know it has come to that time and you can do little if anything to make them comfortable as they try to 'stay'.
So I lay in my bed at the view point corner he liked to watch me so he knew I was there as he sat in his favorite corner as comfortable as he always makes himself all head cocked up against the glass like he had fallen drunk to be in my view as I sleep except last night, I stayed awake and so, within view of me and together, we waited.
He was never friendly per say. But he was feisty and exceedingly active with legs too long carrying himself way higher off the sand than is the norm for beardies. A throw-back to a taller, sleeker, natural, animal, not usually like other beardies. And he answered to his name.
But with affection I will always remember that he was not by anymeans the brights of bulbs in that he had to be brought to the water bowl to drink as he never would go to it on his own and in fact didn't seem to know to do so. And he had an endless appetite in his youth. Would eat so much I had to mcontrol his intake to keep him from giving up his lunch.
But he had the affection known of bearded dragons in only the ways they show it.
Hannah is still here and loved as they all are as they come into my life.
But no two dragons are ever the same.