Feb 26, 2008 21:46
this is my requisite "cultural moment" post:
i was intrigued about the concept of 'quarterlife,' so i decided to watch. i thought i might hate it, and i started off thinking "hey, these people are stereotypes and unrealistic and the plot is kind of basic she-loves-he-loves-her-loves-the other guy-loves-anybody" sexual frustration. ridiculous hipster fake-artsy stuff, you know?
but i find myself liking it more and more. these are really similar to conversations i have with my friends, and life concerns i find myself confronting (as lame as that might sound) - the fear of saying what you feel, the desire to be someone else, the confusion about what's best for you, the need not to compromise ideals for well-being, the concern that looks mean as much as what's inside. (i especially liked the bit about "we were all told we were geniuses in grade school, but apparently these people never saw our transcripts.")
and yes, it's a bit 'dawson's creeky' or 'gilmore girlsy' (people aren't really that witty, are they?) but it's the real problems set to entertainment, and that's never *really* realistic.