Dear JJ Abrams

Sep 29, 2013 11:21

4 Rules To Make Star Wars Great Again:

The Video

The Website

After Star Trek, I live in mortal terror of what JJ Abram is going to do to Star Wars; I want him to do it right. However, whilst I am judging JJ Abrams based on Reboot, the rest of the world is not. This video is all about "Lucas screwed us with the Prequels, please don't continue to do it with the sequels." And the result? A fun (and, IMO, very well made) video, and a petition for Abrams, asking him to pay attention to the original films and work with that.

PS. This is me encouraging you to watch the video, at the very least, and then sign the petition if you feel so inclined. *g*

star wars

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