Make a leap

Feb 29, 2012 08:45

Almost late posting this, but never mind.

I spent a serious amount of time listening to BBC Radio 4 yesterday, and they had a theme running through most of their programming.

Make A Leap On Leap Day

ie On 29th Feb (today!) do something new / exciting / that you've always wanted to do / that you can only afford (time-, money-, diet-, other-wise) to do every four years / brave / foolish etc.

+ One of the panellists on a food show has oysters (which she loves) every leap year just to make sure that she really is still completely, totally and utterly violently allergic to them.

+ One caller was going to reach out to a friend that she had grown apart from.

+ One caller was going to fulfil a 26 year old dream and write to Nelson Mandela.

+ One presenter was going to present his show with another presenter that he hated / had fallen out with years ago. (They were both on board with the idea and willing to make amends.)

I obviously thought that this was a very cool concept. I want to make my own 'Leap', but I have no idea. I'll think on it, but I rather suspect that I won't come up with anything. Thus, the next best thing that I can do is to share the idea with you guys!

I'd love to hear if any of you make your own 'leaps'! (I live vicariously...)


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