This comment page is not the one you are looking for

Dec 21, 2011 10:10

Dear LJ,

What the everloving fuck?

If this is the price we pay for getting a readable font in the update/post window, I'll have my ugly and unreadable font back thanks.

No goddamned love


Dear rest of the internet,

If anyone knows of a hack to make LJ go back to the way it was, I'm begging you, please point me in that direction.

I have LJ's default page as my comment page, and I have my LJ? browser? set up such that that is what I see on everyone else's LJ. I just cannot handle styled comment pages, not even my own.

However, if this new comment page is my only option? Oh hell no. It looks like a 5 year old designed it. I could possibly just about handle the comments section. But the post / text section is just awful. I can't quite articulate what's wrong, but I think that everything is about 2 font sizes too big, and they've lost the margins. Not sure if the font has changed or if it's just the font size. And they've moved the tags. And the username and date/time has moved. And basically, I just hate it.

So yeah, any help to change my LJ comment page back to old style, much appreciated.



ETA: Oh god. And I hit 'view update' after I posted. I think I threw up a little when my post resolved on my screen. I have no words for how much I hate it.

ETAA: Oh god. It gets worse. Have you actually tried posting a comment? I can't. Whatever they've done with it (java?) breaks under my current browser settings. I've just opened up IE so that I can actually go an leave a comment on the news post.

ETAA: The comment I left on the news post. I'm going to baking and my plague. /sulks

lj, it broke?!

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