Dear Yahoo

Dec 16, 2010 21:56

Dear Yahoo,

Fuck you very much.

As far as I'm concerned this rivals shutting down Geocities in terms of OMFG Stupid Stuff You've Done.

No Goddamned Love,


TechCrunch: Is Yahoo Shutting Down Delicious? [Update: Yes]

copperbadge: The comments are likely to be the most useful thing on the internet

LifeHacker: The Five Best Bookmark Management Tools [7 months old]

deliciouslymad: Post on this delicious comm will hopefully provide some solutions / alternative

Another option: - apparently $7, but I saw someone assert (apparently on the post I linked to just above this!) that it was totally worth it.

bank fraud is what happens on a good day, fail on the internet, fannish, the web, tech, wtf

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