Vid Rec: Stargate:SG-1 [The Movie] Theatrical Trailer

Oct 05, 2010 22:23

It was theemdash that pointed me in the direction of this. I'm not usually a fan of YouTube / vids etc, but, because it was theemdash, I made an exception. And good god, I'm so glad I did.

This video (2min) is the best thing I have seen on the internet since forever.

Stargate:SG-1 [The Movie] Theatrical Trailer

Imagine that there was going to be an SG1 movie released in the cinemas this summer. This is the trailer for that movie. And I swear to god, that this is a trailer straight out of the cinema - the way it goes from clip to clip (of what would be the film), the way that it syncs to the music, the way the vidder has taken completely random clips to make a story (not a literal story, but a story in that way that you expect from a trailer), the way it rocks my socks.

I cannot rec this video enough! *g*

fic: sg1

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