LJ being icky. Facebook being ickier.

Apr 23, 2010 22:07

LJ Being Icky

I missed this the first time round. I suspect that being a) a permanent account and b) not that often linking to Amazon (or anything else) helped. In this case the title of the post (both mine and the OP's) says a lot:

Link: dear lj: plz to stop being dicks, kthx

Facebook Being Icky

I came across this article on my daily surf of BBC News (it's amazing what being limited in your web surfing will do for your news reading). I'm not entirely sure of all the implications. I think I'm not necessarily seeing the whole picture. However, it kind of icks me out in a way that Google, despite its level of taking-over-the-net-ness, never has. I think partly because of the other fail that FB has exhibited in the past and partly because it's so tied to your own RL identity. With google, you can have a pseudomyn / 'fake' ID and you can use a lot of google products without signing in. And for those you do sign for, it's for your advantage - I mean google will do their share of data mining, but they don't make you sign in to all their products for the sole purpose of sharing your information / stuff that explicity and trackably linked to you with The Whole Internet.

Link: Facebook's bid to rule the web as it goes social

lj, fail on the internet

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