News (not about me, for once!)

Oct 18, 2006 11:01

My niece, who lives in Denver and normally is content with email communications, called us this weekend. After beating around the bush for thirty minutes or so, she announced that she's expecting a baby in March.

Evidently the knowledge that she's turning 30 later this month wasn't enough of a "oh-my-God I'm OLD" kick; now I get to be a Great-Aunt. Of course, this means I can call my brother "Gramps." There are always compensations.

Seriously, I'm delighted and even Rich, who usually has a "what the HELL have you done to my sweet little niece?" attitude to all the men in her life, including her husband, is happy, too.

The news in life sometimes seems to swing back and forth like biorhythms: either you're hearing all bad news, death and destruction and trouble, or you're on an upswing with family weddings, babies being born, birthdays, etc. It's VERY nice to feel the news right now is all good.

Speaking of which, Rich had surgery yesterday, a long follow-up procedure to his gastric bypass from more than two years ago. Surgery is always frightening to me, and hospitals still are not my favorite place (particularly the one where his surgeon practices, which always seems slow and fucked up).

But everything went very well, and last night he was awake, not having too much pain, and even was able to eat a "soft foods" dinner. Today I stopped by before work, and Rich is feeling good and they tell him it's likely he'll be released to go home this afternoon. He's not thrilled about having to take care of his four drains, but hopefully it will be restful to be at home and he'll heal faster. (Though I'd better clean up the house a LOT.)

So, that's the scoop. Hope all of you are well. It's been a crazy week so far, and I'm not sure when I'll catch up on the whole friends list but I am thinking about you all.

