Nov 27, 2010 23:20
Each morning I rise; a few pleasant moments of belief that life is what it should be.
Wipe sleep from dry eyes, focus my thoughts that come flowing back to remind me of a new day in hell. To dream of something more; to hope for what life was like before.
Before the needing, the wanting, the pretending. My life before life actually began.
Can you tell me why you see this in me? Can you tell me why it has to be? I have life but its slowly draining so yours can be secure.
I love you, I hate you; I can’t stand to understand you. Why do this to me when there are four of you and one of me?
You say I’m educated, you say I’m smart-you say you need me to do this part. You say you’ll try, you will nurture too but my sisters, my dear friends; you never do: that part comes down to me too.
I had dreams, I had a life: three children, a husband, and happiness as well; but when it happened you damned me to hell.
Do your part, and I’ll do mine; my own experience doesn’t change our roles. She needs us all to bear this daunting toll.
Let me live again; even if for a day, give me permission to stay away. I love her too but dear sisters; she gave birth as well to you!
I love you mom, and I’m sorry!
A/N for you that don't know, my mother has dementia and it's getting difficult.
personal poem fanfiction