Feb 23, 2010 19:35

fourleggedfish !!!!!!!!  I saw your date pop up at my home page and I know it's a couple of days early but I may have hit or miss computer access over the next few days.  I also wanted to say congratulations on your nomination for "How Not to be Boring" with the fanfic awards.  There are very few stories that come to mind that truly deserve it and this is by far one of them.  The amount of time and creativity is amazing!!

Ok, I would do something creative but I'm just not a creative person, and to write you something wouldn't suffice either considering that you write circles around me, so instead I found this picture of a fourleggedfish that I thought would make a cute icon.  Use it or not, either way is cool.  I hope you enjoy your birthday and get Hugh Laurie wrapped in a big red bow as a present (with nothing else on of course)!!!

Next month we have yarroway  and hilsonlover  :)

2nd photo: Fourleggedfish having a tough day!

1st photo: HOPEFULLY YOU CAN READ IT:  IT SAYS "EMBRACE YOUR INNER FISH" .  Wars can be stopped with such powerful words ya know!!!

ETA: Added 2nd photo

birthday, personal

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