So yeah. Today was awesome! So much better than yesterday! Eee!
So yeah, I finally gave Spazzy her hot chocolate with marshmellows today after much searching for her. It was nice, it made her happy and it made me happy. I didn’t catch why she was rubbing it on my arm; I missed that part due to trying to talk Eric out of taking my kitty as a hostage. Nope, not a typo. >_<
I finally have Step Mania now too, which is amazing I must say. Totally bugging the hell out of Dad with the tapping of the keys. I’m getting better, though. I’ve gotten to A on the really fast version on butterfly! *Go me*
CLM was boring today. We had this big lecture on resumes. Stuff we all pretty much knew. Jenny and I just made jokes the whole class, it was great,even without slushies.
I have a Micro Snruken Ninja w00t! YaY! You know you're jealous.
Also, if you haven’t seen this already go here. It’s a really funny short movie about the end of the world. Merci to Hans for it: All for now,
<+(Miss Lori)+>
Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics) brought to you by
Quizilla Yes, I got lust. Ha. Out of the options, yeah, probably the right one. Though, I'd like to point out I'm not shameless etc, and don't think about sex all the time..