I've discovered the key to Supernatural. Now this is a big secret. So don't go spreading it all around like herpes or whatever. Supernatural is AWESOME when you're just a tiny bit tipsy. Taking one shot of delicious Gold Shlogger before the episode starts, allows your brain to relax and just enjoy the episode and not think too hard about the annoying things like Sam NOT BEING IN THE EPISODE. See? If I hadn't had that shot, I'd be a lot more annoyed by that little detail. Right now I'm only mildly irritated and anticipating everyone else to be pissed... but not me, I drank alcohol instead. I think that's an excellent life choice.
Castiel was kind of a douche this week. Don't get me wrong. He's still hot. Him sitting on Dean's bed? Totally hot. But still, kind of douchey. Making certain people with overactive guilt complexes go visit their parents in the past and then feel like they actively set them on the course that will kill them and possibly damn his little brother? Yeah... that's a little bit douchey.
Dean however was buckets of awesome this week. He was also buckets of hot. That boys was buckets of lots of things. He must have strong arms from carrying all those buckets around.
Did I mention that alcohol makes everything more fun? Because it totally does.
By the way, I hope no one played the Jared/Jensen drinking game tonight because Jensen was FULL of model faces. They kept doing the over the shoulder camera angle which makes Jensen look incredibly hot... hot like a MODEL. Hey, I dig it. And I don't feel it distracts from the character so I'm all for it... but yeah, if I was taking a shot every time Jensen looked like a model, I'd be in the hospital with alcohol poisioning right now. (By the way my fingers keep trying to type alchool. Darn you fingers!)
So yay for new episodes!