Happy Mother's Day!

May 10, 2009 18:37

~1am Wednesday night I started getting sick, lots of vomiting, stomach problems, couldn't keep down even water...

~9am Thursday I called out of work and tried to get some rest between episodes of being sick...after 14 hours or so of being sick, I quit throwing up and slowly but progressively started to feel better, so I decided it was just a 24 hour virus and I would be fine and back at work Friday.

~8pm Thursday I dragged out with Mom and Leila to see the new Star Trek movie. karnak had bought us tickets like .. weeks in advance because he knew how much I wanted to see it............. and I knew if I didn't go, they wouldn't go without me. (I am very glad I went though because the movie was intense and awesome.. but I digress.)

~11pm Thursday, I came home from the movie and went propmptly back to bed, since, aside from the movie, thats where I had been since I got home from spending Wednesday at Shady Grove. I even got Mom to drive my new car for me since I didn't feel well enough to drive.................This leads into another funny story about her getting confused by the GPS instructions and us getting pulled over by one of Alexandria's finest who was amazingly kind and gave us a verbal warning even though we were driving with no lights on and ran a red light....

Anyway...I woke up around 4 or 5am nauseaus again, shortly thereafter I was vomiting all over again. After Leila got ready for school and left, I called into work to let them know I would not be able to make it in.
~10am Friday it was apparent I needed to see a Doctor.
Dave had called in to work to stay with me and take care of me, so my Mom stayed with Lora and Dave and Brandy helped get me to the ER, by this point I was very dehydrated and as a result my blood pressure was low and I was very week, even standing up was difficult.

~10pm Friday after numerous medications and diagnostics I was feeling marginally better, but as soon as the medications would wear off, I was back where I started. After talking to the doctor I was admitted. I don't remember the exact details but I got a slightly more comfortable bed in a slightly less noisy area and was able to get a bit of sleep. Dave and Brandy were both really good to me during this time, and I am truly greatful to have such love and support.

I spent the next 2 days, until Sunday evening just trying to sleep and recover... I was never told exactly what caused me to be sick, I had a low grade fever throughout but depending on the doctor, they seemed to think it was either a virus that just had to run its course, OR food poisoning.

Dave stayed with me most of this time, and even slept there with me.....Brandy spent a lot of time too, and was very sweet. Mom was great and kept the kids at home so I would'nt have to worry about them until I was ready to go home and then they came to see me. I got lots of phone calls and text/FB messages wishing me better. Even after I got home friends brought me flowers. And of course my girls got me mothers day flowers and gifts. (My mom took them shopping.)

I am very greatful and blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends.

I will admit however, that the biggest disappointment out of it all was all the things I missed out on - because I was sick, I didn't get to visit much with Brandy and I was not able to be there for Heather.
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