Jun 06, 2007 19:44
2 weeks ago:
So, I lost my iPod at work...
When I realized this I was at home and called one of the Customer Service Managers (Pretty much my supervisor, and will be abbreviated as CSM her out) and asked her to look for me. Well, it wasn't found but someone said that another one had taken one to the cash office. Well, that turned out to be a bust, as it was a CD player.
Well, another CSM said the department manager from the front end (she does the candy and other impulse stuff) found one. She gave it to an assitant manager. Since it was found near the registers they assumed it was mine...
So I ask that assistant manager where it is, and he gave me a bullshit answer. He said he took it to the Store Manager's office, and then it went to the Cash office. Well, it wasn't in either area. So now he's in trouble and I have no iPod.
I had to wait until Monday to talk to the store manager about my iPod and what we can do about it. Which is nothing...stupid (Insert demeaning term for women here). She said that her office got cleaned out and had a bunch of electrical stuff in it, so it probably got THROWN AWAY.
My iPod was a GIFT. This lady "thew away" a 200 dollar gift that you can't buy anymore new. You can buy a "refurbished" one...but not a new one. One that would be the same color only comes in an 8 gig model, and is 50 dollars more... One that is the "same" but new is the silver, green, pink and blue models out now. Plus you can't replace a gift my parents got me because my last two birthdays had sucked, now can you?
So what happened, is when a member or management, a CSM (The Cashier Supervisors), ect. finds something of worth that could be a customer's it is taken to the Cash Office. It was taken to the manager's office instead of the Cash Office by an Assitant Manager that is now on my shit list. So it got lost when it was cleaned it out ect.
Now here's the rub. If I was a customer, I would have had a new iPod or my actual iPod a few WEEKS agao. WEEKS! Since I'm just some peon cashier I don't matter I guess. Maybe I should have had my parents complain instead... I'd have a new one most likely.
Thank you Wal*Mart Fucktards!!!