Nov 21, 2008 17:05
ok so this thing with the with the daisy leader is still bothering me. It would have been nice to get a call today apologizing forwhat happened last night, but I havent heard anything.
I did get ahold of the other leader and she is more than happy to take Sydney into her troop. I asked her about what she has going on with her troop and she is doing alot with them, several crafts, community projects etc.. Our present leader has done nothing with the troop they have done no crafts, nothing. Pretty much the meets have gone as follows we gets there she chit chats with the girls and moms. they talk about the promise, chat more with the moms (mind you that the moms are staying back and quiet not activly getting involved... more just observing.) She tells the girls what they will be doing... in the furture... ok by now its snack time. They chose who will do what ever chore for the next meeting and then go have snack.. then we leave. Last week when she told the girls that this week would be the Tday feast the co-leader and about having a craft or game and she said well no I didnt really ave anything planned, so the co-leader said she would take care of that. Well we know how that turned out right? Oh I forgot to add between all the talking she does at the meeting she is yelling at her grandDD who is in the troop. I have been very unimpressed with her from the beginning as you all know but last night was the straw that broke the camels back.
As I said befiore I am very upset about this and I am seriously thinking about email council and letting them know. I feel really bad for the other 2 girls who are left in the troop. So what would you do?