weighing options

Apr 27, 2009 23:24

So i find myself seeking the opinion of the small remnants who still read my (rather infrequently updated) journal.

See, I finally broke down and got a facebook account recently, and even more recently, my crazy ex (and i don't use that term lightly. Trust me, she was a bit nuts) decided to friend me. Now, on the one hand, I really have no need or use for her kind of drama in my life right now, and so am disinclined to accept her request. On the other hand, it is important for me to believe in people's ability to change. Moreover, in the past year or two, i ran into an ex of mine online who i had wronged, and that person was generous enough to allow me to apologize and even strike up the occasional conversation. I feel like, Karmically, maybe I should do the same.

The message sent with this friend request was this "This might be a brain aneurysm or the %PersonA% haze finally being lifted from my mind. You decide" Person A being one of the several people she cheated on me with during our relationship, and whom she got together with immediately after our relationship fell apart. (which was right after I found out about said cheating, which was after she "got pregnant" and then had a miscarriage as i was on my way to come see her immediately after i heard the new). I obviously still have some negative feelings towards her, and keep feeling a need to make a decision one way or another about this, but can't get the distance and clarity to do so.

I am hoping someone out there will be able to say something that will make the correct decision obvious to me. Note: I am not looking for a "you should do this", I am looking for alternate ways of viewing the situation to help me make the decision. It is late, so hopefully this all makes sense, if not, please ask for clarification and i will do the best i can to provide it.


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