As an ardent Mpreg fan and writer, I have been knocking up other people's characters for at least ten years now. But I sometimes wish it was as easy to write Original Character Mpreg as it was to pick out two of JK Rowling's male characters and have them procreate together. If only, right?
That is why I've created this comm, which I like to call The Loretta Project, after the famous (and quite hilariously accurate) scene from Monty Python's "Life of Brian." We're already familiar with all the reasons why men CAN'T have babies, but who's to say we don't have the right to WRITE about them having babies?
(Video embedding isn't working, so here's the link:
Whether you're new to writing Original Mpreg, have been writing it for a long time, or are just curious about how to make it more credible, this community is the place to post, discuss and share all your Original Mpreg work. All members are welcome to post stories, recs and icons, discuss likes and dislikes about common tropes in Mpreg, and generally have a good time.
However. A few ground rules before we begin:
1. PLEASE TAG. Tag each fic entry with your author name, word length of your fic, rating, warnings, and genre. I will remind you if you don't tag properly. Always good to be organized!
2. NO TROLLING. Any member who posts nothing but "Mpreg sucks" posts and bashes other members indiscriminately will be banned.
3. NO BASHING OF OTHERS. We've all got our respective kinks, squicks and "would rather not reads." That's fine. There are many varieties of Mpreg and no one is required to love them all. Please post clear warnings for readers if your fic contains material that some may find objectionable. If you find a story objectionable, do not criticize the author when you were fairly warned. Not commenting at all is far more diplomatic.
4. BE SUPPORTIVE. Not all of you are seasoned Mpreg writers, and there may be members with different levels of writing experience on here. If someone is looking for a beta, by all means volunteer! Also, be constructive with your criticism.
5. ONLY ORIGINAL WORK. Sorry, no fanfiction allowed. Any posting of fanfiction, whether yours or a rec, will be asked to be taken down.
6. HAVE FUN! What more need I say? Play nicely at all times, and no oppressing anyone!