Nice Rejection Letter

Jan 08, 2009 21:29

Now, I really don't mind getting rejection letters (I think maybe becasue an ezine actually published the first ever story I submitted, and also I don't take things like that personally anyway) but I get an awful lot of personal rejection emails. I got a really nice one from a magazine today, saying that my story was a 'wonderful idea', but unfortunately they couldn't find a place for it in the next few issues. They actually asked me to consider sublitting to them again, which is sweet.

I always feel a bit uneasy when I get nice emails like that. Am I getting a nice email because my story was really really good and they are disappointed that they couldn't fit it in anywhere, or are they being kind to me because its a shockingly bad story and they don't want to hurt my feelings? Discuss.

rejection letters, writing, publishing

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