Nov 04, 2004 13:48
weirdest ever.
yesterday i made mum take me shopping for a pair of shoes. sif that is weird enough already...i wanted a pair of....*gasp* high heels. in case some of you dont know, i never wear high heels. never. for some very good reasons
1) i dont really fit ladies sizes anymore, unless i squeeeze
2) im fucking tall enough as it is already
3) im a fucking retard on anything less stable than a pair of cons.
so yeah, mum almost died of shock and was more than happy to buy them. so now i have a cute pair of betty boop black shiny with white bow shoes. and now i feel pretty oh so pretty.
so tonight im class-ing it up, and going to llama bar in subi to watch my mate's jazz band 'void' play, with my cute as shoes, and my pink and black lace ruffle skirt with huge pink bow at the back, and looking hawwtttt. or thats what i keep telling myself.
ive decided that im going to be pretty from now on, so everyone has to call me my full name - nicola jane. the name that my teacher decided was too pretty for me. i'll show him mother fucker. i mean...that nasty nasty man. heh this shoudl be interesting.
gone are the days of tight leapard print skank dresses with bra straps showing and ripped tights....
or are they?
*dun dun dunnnn*
*ahem* no, probably not.