It runs in the family

Sep 15, 2009 01:53

It runs in the family
Flying, jumping off skyscrapes, the crazy. It's all in the genes.

Short piece of whacko, pie, donut, pastry. Take your pick.

"You and your uncle did what?!" Nathan yelled as he glared at Parker and her new found blood relative.

"I've always been a big fan of flying," Parker's uncle grinned. "And when my girl here told me of the rush of jumping of a skyscrape and then steal diamonds I just had to try it,"

Parker jumped up and down, giddy in excitement and Nathan saw Elliot groan over the implication that the crazy ran in the family.

"Uncle Murdock was really good at it to, and when we were about to get caught he conned the security guard into thinking that he owned the place and had all the right to pick out the diamonds, day or night, when ever he felt like it, that he had paid for it to work like a 7 Eleven," Parker snickered as she clutched the dimaonds to her chest as if they would run out on her at any moment. Nathan stopped himself from grinning over the mental image of Diamonds with legs. "Then he let me have all the diamonds because they didn't match his eyes,"

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he realised  that Parker had actually gone into fully babble mood. He hadn't seen her this excited since...well....last week when they had Tacos for lunch. But the difference was the glow and spark of amusement when she looked at her uncle with a fondness, which was quite surprising since they had only met 2 days ago.

"That was nothing, Face man is way better at running the cons. He may be a bit to old these days to jump of skyscrapes but I bet you he can beat Sophie sweetness over there in the game of tricking people," He pointed to the grifter that were sitting relaxed by the couch.

Sophie looked flattered and insulted at the same time. Then a considering look entered her face.

"Call him," She told him. "Call him Mr Murdock,"

"Call me Howlin, Sweetheart," Murdock and Parker had matching calculating grins as they let out a howl.

Elliot started to bang his head against the wall as Hardison looked slack jawed when Parker and Murdock started to dance and sing "Diamonds are a girls best friend," while juggling with the diamonds.

Nathan turned around and went to the kitchen to get some painkillers for the headache that was starting.

Listening to Parker and her Uncle Murdock sing as they tried to convince Elliot to join them in their little performance, Nathan couldn't help but give up a snort.

He reached for a extra painkiller and water, by the sound of it, Elliot was going to need it soon.

leverage, a-team, crossover, fanfiction

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