[50] Carter icons

Jul 28, 2009 23:43

[50] Carter icons

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hogan's heroes, icons

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ex_egorstan July 29 2009, 07:06:50 UTC
I love and adore the snark you put on your icons - awesomeness that is so you!

Love the icons too!

And how did your exams go? Did you get through them okay? Are you on a break now?

*hugs you who is the most awesomeness person evah*


lorency July 30 2009, 08:31:13 UTC
Aw thanks Lassie face. Urhm. I mean that in the nicest way because you always wear Lassiter icons on LJ.

I tried my best to be snarky, but some of the icons called for seriousness because there was a theme over at the tvcharacters100. I am now considering to some more. But which one of my favourite hunky characters to choose? *sigh*

I did really good on three of my exams. The fourth one I screwed up to all the dimensions and Tardis and back. *sigh* Which means I need to do the entire all over again this semester. Well, you know what they say, at first you don't succeed, try, try try try again.

*hugz the most brilliant person evah to walk in a pair of shoes/slippers/thongs/etc etc*


ex_egorstan July 30 2009, 09:23:31 UTC
Ahhh! You called me Lassie face :) I love my Lassiter icons. I have so many it's not funny anymore. People are going to start thinking I'm obsessed.

Your funny snark is very funny and your serious text is wonderful. Every bit of text you put on an icon suits the icon to a t (tee).

Yay! and Congrats on the three exams. The fourth - doing it again. *hugs*

What is it you're studying.

*hugs the most awesomeness person evah to travel the universe and beyond in a Tardis*


lorency August 9 2009, 14:25:48 UTC
Does that mean I'm Shawn? *gasp* Oh and there's nothing wrong with a little healthy obsession. *nods* So don't worry about it Lassie Face. ;D

Aw thanks. *tackles with hug*

Thank you. I'm proud of the three exams I did really well so I'm not letting the fourth one overshadow that. :D

I'm studying International Business. How I went from studying Media in High school to Business. *shrugs* Don't know, but that's how it went, and I like it. :D

*hugz the brilliant person evah of all the universes and Gallifrey*


ex_egorstan August 22 2009, 02:26:08 UTC
I'm very obesessed. I'm not going to deny it :)

International Business. That sounds extremely interesting! What sort of work would you do once you've finished studying? Does that mean you can travel overseas in regards to what you're studying?

*hugs you who is awesome and brilliant and amazing and cool and just plain awesome .... evah!*


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