3 drabbles

Aug 21, 2008 18:07

This is a answer to 
egorstandish' s drabble challenge.  3 words to choose from or make 3 drabbles of. Great, White, Shark.

I have made three drabbles, Mag7 of course. Ezra focus. 100 words per drabble.


”Are you okay Ez?” JD asked the undercover agent carefully, watching him trying to wipe away the hot coffee that had stained his expensive jacket.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Ezra asked strained. “Trust me Mr Dunne, I’m just fine!” Then he swirled around. “As a matter of fact, I’m just great! I’m,” He was snapping his fingers, trying to find a suitable word. “giddy!”

“For a man that has been schooled in telling others what they want to hear,” Chris said softly behind him. “You’re not much of a liar.”

They surrounded him in comfort that only they could provide.

Ezra looked at the painting, amazed of JD’s ability to put what he couldn’t say in words, into colours.

“The black, is the darkness where you were once hiding.” JD told him standing beside him. “The red, is the blood that you spilled in combat, fighting to survive.”

“The white,” JD started.

“Is where I want to go,” Ezra finished softly. “Into the light.”

JD nodded, satisfied that Ezra got it. “You’ll have help on the way. Don’t ever doubt that or our friendship.”

“Thank you Mr Dunne.” Ezra whispered.

“Anytime Agent Standish,” JD answered his friend with a smile.


”You, mother, is like a shark colouring the ocean red with blood after the feasting on human flesh.” Ezra snarled. “You never give up in your attempts to get me away from ATF.”

The older woman shrugged smugly at her son, giving him a calculated smile. “This simply isn’t you darling, it was about time your friends realised this. They will no longer trust you after the information I just gave them.”

“As I said,” Ezra gave his mother a look that made her take step backwards. “You’re like a shark, after a meal, gloating over the stilled blood thirst.”

drabbles, fanfiction

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