Fanfiction idea 3

Apr 26, 2008 19:01

Numb3rs/Charmed crossover. 
Charlie Eppes and Phoebe Halliwell loses their family brutally in a magical war that strikes out from nowhere. Both mourning their families, they decide to lean on each other, finding out that their souls are bound together. Through this bond, their abilities are switched, turning Charlie Eppes into a psychic and Phoebe Halliwell into a math genius. 
The Elders recognise their strong bond and decides to send to a alternative reality. Now Charlie Eppes and Phoebe Halliwell becomes Chase and Phallia Tyler. FBI agent and Math Professor. Will the two of them find a way to live a normal life, realying on each other?

charmed, fanfiction idea, art, numb3rs

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