Vacation, hell and back to vacation...

Jul 16, 2004 09:45

Okay so we went we slept we vegitated... and inbetween the wonderfulness of doing absolutely fucking nothing, we had two days of bonified pure H - E- Double L!!! Thats what comes from giving my inlaws yet another opportunity to show they have changed only to screw me and my family. I used to think it was the dominating father in law that I didn't 'get on' with, but come to found out the maddness behind the mouth is actually the reverent sweetempered two faced mother in law. She is actually, and I mean it, JEALOUS of me... that I am the 'MOM' to my kids and I actually assert myself as the parent. Who knew? Ken was always her voice, which is why I always thought it was him, but really they make a magnificent team. I saw behind the loud staunchy man when she wasn't able to whisper her displeasures. How very strange.

This is what happened in short order: We arrive (with the intention of visiting with my grandrent-INLAWS, not my inlaws, they were just some cherry topping we got for free! Within an hour the inlaws are herding us from where we were planning on staying for dinner (which was already made I might add) and take us to the God forsakin wilderness to a cabin inwhich we are ALL supposed to sleep in the same room. We were SUPPOSED to be getting our own cabin, but whatever it was their way of getting to 'camp out' or sleep over with my kids without having to ask for them. I wouldn't allow Elyssa to play outside because she has not only my ghost white ass skin, but also my allergic reaction to bugs that bite. My mother in law (using the term mother loosely as related to obsessive psycho) snidely remarks that she saw pictures of Elyssa in the grass in Ohio at MY mothers house and there were bugs there weren't there? No, I duely informed her, it was too cold for them to breed. She huffed and moved on. Next, she proceeded to take my precious daughter into some murky lake to play in the grostesqueness that it was. I got over that and let both of them frolick promising lots of soapy baths later. Later in the evening Julian's 'mimi' or as he would prefer to call her 'grandma' offered to take him for a walk... He responded with 'let me go ask my mom,' to which she halted him and said 'No you don't need to ask anyone, your with me so its okay., damn her sweet deceptive smile and backwards ways... he responded again 'I need to go ask my parents'--to which she grudgingly gave in by saying 'Fine then go ask your dad'--I heard all of this. The next day, I took Elyssa by ourselves to the grandrent in laws, because thats who I was here to visit. I made it there, the two of us, followed shortly by disgruntled people who really didn't want to visit with the wonderful aging couple. So, Karlan and I are having a nice time, I bought bug spray for the kids and myself, and let them outside to frolick a bit... Karlan and I were on the back end of the house, and everyone else was on the front end, Julian came back to ask us if he and Elyssa could ride on the golf cart. I said you can go, but your sister can't go. We hear him giving out the parental dictates and repeating himself, so we get up to go investigate. This is what we see... My motherinlaw holding my daughter IN the golf cart and Julian trying to explain while MIL doesn't know we see them. Karlan had to go physically pry our daughter from her 'loving' arms, which you know just pissed the witch off to no end. So her daddy plays with her on his shoulders and she snidely informs him that she could get hurt just as easily doing that can't she? What a bitch!! OOOoh and thats not all, after ignoring our parental dictates and further not respecting us as parents in general, She and my FIL-take Julian back to camp in their truck... while talking with them brought up his cousin and how he didn't really like him etc, to which they responded "well you can like whoever you want, just like how Amy and her family are your step family not your real family, but you can love them if you want to.' This followed by "Remember when you used to call US mom and dad, remember how great it was to see your cousins and play with them all the time?" (all of which are in Westlake or Lake Charles where J's bio-mom slums it and J doesn't acknowledge her and FEARS even being close to were she could possibly show up)...all of which explains why suddenly Julian didn't mind the idea of going south to see 'everyone', when he cried and threw a fit about even having to enter the STATE of Louisiana, now he is fine with everything. He on this trip was also going to revert to calling his grandparents grandma and grandpa because he wasn't comfortable with the mimi-pawpaw thing, and THEY thought I was trying to make him call them that, of all the dumb things, what do I care what he calls them? So on the trip back after we leave their clutches and I recieve warmest hugs and love from them as we depart I hear about the 'They aren't your REAL family' And I just wanted to drop elbows...

Finally back to Rockwall, TX and slept some more had my daughters 2nd birthday party and slept some more before returning home. Everything else was highly uneventful, my family rocks, they don't interefere with my parenting unless I request advice, they don't go against something IVE said regarding my kids or what Karlan says.. they respect my husband and hold him in high regard and leave us alone except for lots of love and support... and to think I used to really think they were nutty... now I know better!!!
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