Week 8 - post to cassandra

Apr 25, 2009 17:01


Your comment for this week was really good because it touched on areas that most of us ignore or continue doing without us even noticing. "When people feel obligated to watch the news, to see the horror in the world, then feel bad. And worse for not changing the world". I admitt i've watched the news before and felt like doing something about the issue but forget about it the next day which is seriously bad. I guess we are so caught up with life and we just forget the things that matter. I remember asking someone "why they didn't like a particular person" they replied by saying "i like to surround myself with positive things and only positive". I think this really links with what you are trying to say, be positive, surround yourself with positive things and its ok to just relax and have free time for yourself once in a while.
Good job cassandra :-)

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