a conversation

May 08, 2007 16:27

Carla [coming in to the office/computer room]: You have to say 'ohmygosh that kitty is so cute!'
Me: Oh my gosh that kitty is so cute!
Carla: I just got her from the pet store, somethings fell on her that's why i'm taking her to the doctor.
Me: Oh...
Carla: yeah, she's allergic to unicorns. And CDs.
Me: Well you better take her out of her before she gets sick because there's a lot of CDs in here.
Carla: Well, she just gets sick, she doesn't throw up.
Me: Still, we don't want her to get sick do we?
Carla: Well, I've got a bop bag [read: barf bag] in case she throws up
Me: Oh--
Carla: [rapid fire something about wolves and dragons, and something trying to kill the cat]
Me: Uh HUH.

--She leaves--

--Comes back a few minutes later carrying a purple and white dog--
Carla: I know she's allergic to dogs, but not white and purple [ones]
Carla: You're supposed to go like this [makes astonished face] your doggy is so cute, you have the cutest doggies in the whole wide world did you get it from the pet store. [holds up cat] What's her name?
Me: I don't know.
Carla: Yes you do [whispers] her name is Lucinda Fairy-Tale Whale. And this doggy's name is Muffin, no Ginger.
[pauses and makes animal noises as if the animals are making them]
Carla: Well, what have you been doing?
Me: Not much, you?
Carla: My dog keeps eating. He keeps wanting to go to Walmart and take pictures--do all sorts of stuff. Isn't she a cute doggy? I actually don't know what I'm going to do with this cat. The dentist said i can't keep anymore cats around my house.
Me: You can't buy any more cats?
Carla: I can, but he just means i can't take anymore to the pet store.
Me: You mean, from the pet store?
Carla: NO TO THE PET STORE. I mean, to the dentist.

Carla: My dog can't actually walk. Somebody throwed a frisbee at her and it got sharp stuff, and i told her to duck--this is duck [showed me what it means to duck], but she couldn't and it hit her on her leg, and she bleeded.

[something about a cat and frisbee that turns into a cat, and some animal trying to duck, and it's mommy helping her ending with "and it really happened"]

this could go on and on. I'll stop there.
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