Nov 22, 2004 23:25
Interviewer: Good evening. I'm here with Stately Holmes, spokesman for the Bush administration in the US to talk about the developments in the Ukraine. Mr Holmes, with your government trying to establish democracy in Iraq and encourage it elsewhere in the world the problems with the Ukrainian elections must be something of a blow.
Holmes: Which problems are you referring to?
Interviewer: The vote fixing, the fraud, the massive protests...
Holmes: The elections were all fair and above board, there's been no fixing whatsoever, nobody can prove anything. The man elected is the man the people chose and want and anyone who says different is a whiner and the military should just clear out the protesters. If they don't like it they can live in Canada.
Interviwer: No Mr Holmes, the UKRANIAN elections.
Holmes: OH! Those... well that's a travesty of justice and a dark day for democracy, we're behind the protestors all the way and hope that a peaceful and democratic solution is found.
Interviewer: Democratic observers from Europe have condemned the fraud and were apparently denied access to many essential areas during the election. How would you deal with those problems?
Holmes: They're a bunch of interfering frenchies and former communists and they can stick their objections up their ass. This is the greatest democracy in the world and I won't hear anyone say different!
Interviwer: No Mr Holmes, the UKRANIAN elections.
Holmes: Oh... well, our European allies should certainly have been given full access. It's an outrage they were unable to observe properly and found so many flaws. Of course, there should be a relection immediately.
Interviewer: Thankyou you hypocritical fuckshank. Now back to the studio.