My Day
Today has been an interesting and productive day. To start off the day, I woke up for church, got ready, and then the rest of the family decided to leave without me, so I stayed home. While home watched essentially all of the movies Drumline and Minority Report, both excellent movies. Later on in the day I played some ping-pong with my step-bro Sam, which I haven't really done anything with (including talking) for quite a while, so that was nice. I had some delicious cheeseburgers for lunch (straight off the grill) and some onion rings later on in the day which were equally scrumptous but with some gastly side effects. I got a lot of cleaning done around my dad's house (dishes, sweeping, trash, etc.) and then I went to Brian's house to watch Amelie. That movie was amazing. At first it was quite confusing and utterly random, but funny at the same time. When the movie got out of the opening sequence, it became a delightfully witty and very well put together movie, a must-see. After the movie, I came home and chatted with some people that I haven't spoken to in quite a while, my cousin Dorese and Ohio friend Maria namely.
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I've gotten back into running, since returning from Purdue. Currently I'm running about 2.68 miles every other day, but I hope to increase the distance and frequency. A friend of mine Michael Silvers is going to run with me tomorrow which will be nice as I haven't had somebody to run with in quite some time. 'Twill be good if it can become a permanent habit.
Two weeks back from college and I still don't have a job. Lazy bum? I think not. Hehe, I've actually been keeping quite busy (just ask Brian) although I do plan on looking for a job this upcoming week definitely.
We've recently acquired a ping-pong table at my Mom's house which is excellent! But now I have to find people to play me : ). That makes a table at each house, so no matter where I am, I'll always be able to satisfy my ping-pong urges! If anybody wants to play, just give me a call or an IM or whatever, and I'm sure something can be set up.
Ah, and everybody should download Armagetron. It's an open source rendition of the game the play in the movie Tron. It's simple, fun, and quite addictive and difficult if you set it up to be. It can be obtained here: More to come later!