Will U dare?...

Jul 19, 2008 11:47

sometimes it's all about you... all about your emotions… all about things you believe in, things you're afraid of...

It's YOU who should learn how to be able to handle yourself, learn how to judge yourself, how to grow, how to overcome your fears, learn to love yourself, learn to fight your demons.

It's You. Not anyone else, - just you. Always been, always will be
It was a good learning point for me yesterday: if you can't understand yourself - than no one ever will (how could they?)
if you can't love yourself - no one would ever love you...
If you can't cheer yourself up - how can someone else do that for you? they just simply don't know you that well
If you can't make a decision yourself - no one would ever do that for you...
If you can't handle yourself -  than who will?....
and lastly, if you are afraid to enter that scary old closet room deep in you, scared to fight your inner demons, who would ever do that for you?...
I am totally convinced - that truly intense, complicated, challenging, longest and most important relationships that ever happened in your life is a relationship with YOU, yourself.

And you are the one, who’s making your day…

And you’re the one who’s finding the courage to open that dark room :)

And at the end of the day, when you left alone, again, with your own demons, it’s ONLY your choice to fight them or turn around and close that door for “a better times”…

It’s only your courage, your growth, your victory or your defeat…

And it’s only your demons… Don’t put leashes on them - they still can bite ;) don’t close them in a dark room - coz you’ll never enter that room again -  tooo scary! who knows, what might have grown out of them :)))

Just set it free and let it go… Find a courage to fight it… Yes, that’s right, every day as a battle… or as an exciting and challenging journey...

Will U dare?...

пундики, думки, моє

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