Blahhh, I feel like I've been so busy this past week, where does the time go?! I don't feel like I've even had time to relax after finishing uni, yet I don't know what I've been doing. Job hunting, of course, as while I do like my part-time job it doesn't pay the rent. Of course there was the epic five-day drama of the last series of Torchwood last week (which I will not even START on. OMG, Davies, you bastard), plus being awesomegeeky with
cicak last week and going to see the midnight showing of ☼Star Trek☼, again.
Of course, I also (...drumroll) got my uni results! I passed! Got a 3rd, which, I know, is not great, but it's a pass which is all I was wanting as I've had such an awful time at uni this year. It is such a relief to have this done and over with, hurrah! (Also scary, obviously, but I'm not even think of graduate plans right now.) I don't actually graduate until November, though. On Friday the 13th - cheers YSJ. But, the fact that it'll be in ~York Minster~ more than makes up for it.
Second bit of good news is that pidgey pidge got home safe!
This being the racing pigeon that Kafers and I looked after for a week after she turned up in our kitchen late last month. We chased her outside, but she was back in the house as soon as our backs were turned (we keep the back door open in hot weather). She wasn't flying, so we herded her into the utility room, caught her and got the numbers off her rings. I managed to contact the owner, and he asked us to keep a hold of her for a couple of days until she was strong enough to get home. Apparently she'd flown all the way from France (!) and had become exhausted only 50 miles short of reaching home in Sunderland. Anyway, weather conditions meant we had her for a week, as pigeons need clear skies and no rain or fog to fly well. I (foolishly) trusted the Met Office forecast when it said Friday morning would the last good weather before a week of rain, so we let her off then, and off she flew! However, the storms arrived only two hours later (some of the heaviest rain I've ever seen in England!), so I was really worried that she hadn't made it, especially when I heard nothing from the owners.
However! I got a lovely thank-you card from them today, saying that she had indeed made it back! Ahhhh, I am so relieved, I was so worried that after all that TLC she hadn't made it x) To you, pidgey pidge!
I have the day off tomorrow, so I'll be going in to uni to sign off (and possibly lounge in the library while I still can), and maybe buy some plants from the market. That'll be all the shopping I'll be doing, as I shouldn't really be spending money right now, but it really annoys me to see the yard looking so brown.
Then I must get some housework done, we have an inspection next week. Also want to get some sewing or doll work done, as I have done NONE since I finished uni. My poor resins look so neglected. Also possibly... er... play masses of FFXII, as I seem to be addicted. Ann, what have you done?!?