Charging Money Issue. Again.

Feb 05, 2007 18:28

So, I'm thinking it would be wise to distinct between various categories when talking about the issue of "charge money for witchcraft, yes or no":

1) Coven/small group/family-structured/traditional religious training. (My opinion in short: no money should be charged for this.)

2) Class-structured trad-specific religious training. (Undecided. Probably the most difficult categroy for me to understand or analyse. On the one hand, erm. On the other hand, my Reclaiming experiences were not tainted in any way because I had to pay money for witchcamp or core classes. They were mostly great spiritual experiences. Either way, I don't think teachers should bear costs of such things.)

3) Class-structured generic religious training. (Thinking about options like Cherry Hill Seminary here, or other professional/academic ministry training for witches. Money obviously (?) okay here.)

4) Teaching generic (non-trad-specific) magical skills. (Okay to charge reasonable fees for the specific skills taught. Shouldn't charge a fortune for something you can get in any bad 101 book, f'ex.)

5) Doing spells for other people (not family/coven, etc.). (Okay to accept barter. Money in this context makes my stomach turn, but this has more to do with my background in folk Israeli/Jewish/Kurdish magic, than anything else.)

teaching, priesthood-and-service

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