Anthony Head learned something new yesterday...or so he said.

Mar 06, 2010 21:05

So, I went to see Six Degrees of Separation yesterday with londinensa, jhava and evildrem. This was my second time seeing it (long story) and I liked it even better - much better seats to start with (hadn't realised that row E was actually the second row for this play), and since it is a very word-y play (and I mean that in the best sense), you pick more things and nuances up when you see it for a second time. So, yes superb play, superb cast, thoroughly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

We went to the stagedoor after and Obi Abili who plays Paul was the first one out. He was very surprised that someone actually wanted his autograph and went all bashful, bless him! I really hope we'll get to see him in another play soon - he was absolutely fabulous.

Then after a while Tony got out. There weren't many of us there which was lucky because the first person in line got him to sign at least five items. I kid you not. Halfway through Tony caught me and jhava rolling our eyes at each other and grinned and said he'd be with us shortly (and I think he said something about people having programs to sign, because this person didn't have a program or ticket but photographs from roles he had played at some point in his career).

After signing for two other people (who then hung around, and rather rudely tried to barge in our conversation with him, and kept flashing their camera into his face) he then joined our little party. We chatted about the play, and he mentioned that Colin Morgan, an "actor friend" (I don't know if that were his exact words but something along those lines) had been to see the play a week ago - at which point I had to tell him that yes, we had heard of Colin Morgan ;-)

Anyway he relayed what Colin had said and it was entirely true - the audience finds out about the Paul character at exactly the same pace than the other characters on stage - it's not one of these where the audience knows what's going on and watch the characters find out (or not). Trust Colin to have something insightful to say about a play :-)

At this point one of our party who shall not be named ;-) then expresssed our appreciation for the male nudity and boy kissing that is part of the play. The reply was a rather intrigued "So do women enjoy watching men kissing? Do you think that's hot?". And we all nodded emphatically. Come on Tony, who do you think writes and reads all that slash??? He then told us about having had a school class at one of the performances, and how they had all whistled and clapped at the nudity but gone "ewww" at the boy kissing!

After some more giggling from all sides, we went our separate ways. Meeting Tony was a lovely experience, he was so friendly and relaxed and chatty!

anthony head, fangirling

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