ahhhh. I've been trying to make my own moodtheme for a while. I've been trying to make myself either a Duncan & Veronica (Veronica Mars) or a Pacey & Joey moodtheme.. but i haven't been able to find enough pictures for the DV one ... so i haven't even bothered with the P/J one :( :(
I just went to a Gilmore Girls screen caps site and took every picture in which their mimic or gesture is in any way specific. I don't know about a DV site, but I know some sites where you could find tons of PJ screen caps. Is it just the lack of pictures? Couse I had some problems with the codes and stuff, and I found a wonderful tutorial. *grins* Did you know that you can make your own mood theme with only 15 images?
well I have a DV site. Oooohhh whats the PJ screencaps site i will check there. Well its a lack of pictures and codes and what not. Whats that tutorial you used?!?!
And here
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