There were just a TON of trailers- probably due to the captive audience. A few actually look like movies I might actually go to... and a few I will definately skip. On the watching out for list:
- "2012" - The director of "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow" is doing what looks to be another PRIMO disaster movie. Someone had to tackle the whole mythos around the world ending in 2012. I'm just glad its this guy :)
- "Princess and the Frog" Looks like disney is bucking all the new fangled faldelral and making a return to the purist animation that made 'em Disney in the first place. Bout darned time if you ask me.
- "Holmes" - FINALLY! A reason to look forward to Christmas Day ;) Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes. And the rest of the cast looks pretty darned spif too!
Onto the Main Attraction: HP6
- I'm giving this one 4 OWLs out of 5. I'd see it again if a group wanted to go :)
- TOTALLY Worth the loss of sleep and the ticket :) I'm glad I went! Also glad I thought to get my ticket at 4:30p; they were sold out by the time I pulled up. LOTS of people in various costumes. I thankfully opted in terms of caution and used the wheelchair rather then risk standing that long on my knee/back, which turned out to be a REALLY good choice on my part *sheesh!*. An hour and a half + of just around standing is still just a tad muchish for my endurance.
I pinned my chair cover of "My House Elf Transfigured My Firebolt" with Hogwarts patch to the back. Got lots of smiles :)
- Special Note to Parents: They're really *NOT* Kidding about the PG-13 rating.
If your kids aren't quite up to the level of spook and violence in Peter Jacksen's "Fellowship" or "The Two Towers"... this movie might be a bit intense and muchish for the littl'ns in a theatre setting.
- Yates was a REALLY excellent fit as director. I'm glad they're keeping him :) Movie flowes very well out of the last one into this one. Which is a big problem I had about 2 into 3, and 3 into 4. So- that transition works quite well. Which makes me a happy movie goer.
- Seriously Major Kudos to the visual effects, props, and costume departments!!! Esp for
briefly working in the book covers from both the Scholastic *&* Bloomsbury. That was just really really nifty and unexpected!
- Helen Bonnam Carter--- WOW What an actress!
- If you have never seen the previous 5 movies and decide to go see this one... it might just make you want to watch a few. Or at least possibly watch movie 5... and maybe 4. ...well, and 3. And if you're going to go do all that, may as well invite a few friends over, pop some popcorn and watch the lot in order ;) *tee hee*
They have nearly hit the point in the series you almost need at least the world background the previous *films* give. They are keeping consistant with the holes they create from the books to the movies, and from movie to movie. Good research on the writers part for keeping track of all that.
That being said- for those not knowing the world even a tad, they did keep the movie accessible. The movie stands on its own, its just a bit like watching "Two Towers" without seeing "Fellowship" first
So - Wow. Just.... Wow. More when I can actually talk more about the movie itself after a few more of you have seen it. For now, I need to get to bed.
Suns coming up all too soon. :) G'night!