
May 03, 2004 18:33

I now work full time at David's Bridal in the Alterations department. Today was my first day. I steamed and steamed and steamed and ironed and ironed and re-beaded one dress. No breaks, no lunch from 9-5...gonna have to stock up on tastey beverage to bring with me. I work on M-W, off on Thursday and Friday, and work on Sat and Sun...I wanna try and arranged something so I'll work on Thursdays and get Sunday off..or something. Not being an unemployeed schmuck is nice. Being able to apy bills and stuff is nice..having occasional money for comics and games and movies...very, very nice. I think my first paycheck, I'm gonna treat myself to a roadtrip to The Bookery (Big Ass Game/Comic store).

New comics I have loved:
Still reading back issues of assorted X-Titles
Ultimate Spiderman
Deadpool (I *heart* Wade!)

Abby, you need to move here and I'll let you play Harley Quinn in a Marvel/DC crossover GURPS (like D&D but better) game.

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