Not so lazy sunday

Oct 14, 2007 13:28

Despite the disappointment after France lost against England last night, I didn't drown my sorrow in alcohol.
No, I went to bed slightly tipsy, and hoping fiercely that either South Africa or Argentina (I have to admit I've grown to like south Africa, because I've had brilliant explanations and comments from mu South African friends all along the world cup) will kick their arses in the final.
Yeah, I know, I am not being very nice. But I'm French. We just can't support England. Just like the English can't support the French, haha. Love that silly competition.

And, I've also been very busy.

Last night, before going out, I posted my reply to the emo challenge at
change2disque. Emo not like the teenage music that's so fashionable at the moment. More like music that makes you feel something special.
Am very proud. Posted 5 different tracks. Hehe.

And this morning, I can't believe all I've done. I am usually very lazy... and it takes ages for me to complete things.
I recently noticed there were a few English speakers joining the community I moderate. None of them have posted anything yet... Hope they will. It's not a problem at all if they post in English.

change2disque is a french speaking community where you can share music. But it's in French...
So this morning,
  • I finally completed the rofile, both in French AND English
  • translated ALL the mod and rules posts in English
  • posted an entry where English speaking members will ba able to ask for translation help
And I left comments to the latest challenge posts.
I feel very good.

Now I'm hungry.


Je ne traduirai pas mon blabla en anglais sur le rugby. *grogne*

Je suis particulièremnet fière de moi.
J'ai fait tout un tas de choses ce matin. Pour
change2disque :
  • la communauté a enfin un profil. Et en plus il est bilingue !! Et oui, on a quelques membres anglophones semble-t-il...
  • traduit tous les posts importants de la comm en anglais pour faciliter la tâche aux zamis anglohones
  • et j'ai ajouté une entrée où on peut demander de l'aide à la traduc si une entrée en langue étrangère parait un peu obscure.
Et j'ai laissé des comments aus réponses au défi Emo.
Je suis très fière. Ça me donne faim.


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