Mar 25, 2008 23:13
I don't usually blog about my blog. I don't really care enough about the site itself to do so for any particular reason.
However, on March 12th, LJ did something monumentally stupid: they removed the Basic Account option. Those who have one (thank god my paid account expired before then) can keep them, but new users have to either get a Plus account (ad-ridden, annoying, commercial, and just generally stupid), or they have to pay $20 a year (or more) for a paid account. The reason cited for doing this? "We wanted to make it less confusing for new users."
Am I the only one who reads this as "We need more money now and so we're going to force new users to pay or deal with monumentally aggravating ads?"
So...because of this BS, because I don't want to pay that much for a paid account (it's not worth it) and don't want to log on one day to find that I am being besieged by ads (even with adblock, it's annoying, the layouts are cheesy, and that doesn't help the fact that OTHER PEOPLE can see the ads when they look at my journal), I am thinking of switching to a different blog site.
Problem is, I like having my friends network, and every other site with blogs (that I know of), has the same issue with corporate sponsors and ads.
Any suggestions?