bingogasstation ! Come online sometime so I can properly throw birthday messages at you!
Aaaaannnndddd I have to share this story that folks from my hometown will appreciate.
Today Krista, Steve, Dex, Julia, Lucy, and I went to lunch at the Encore restaurant on Belmont and Mannheim. This is a hole in the wall, family dining establishment. I went to the bathroom before we even sat down and was greeted by a lady swooping in after me. She blurted out "Move over I HAVE to pee!". There were two stalls, so I did. She proceeded to tell me how she hasn't had a chance to even sit since she got there. I told her I understood. (We were both sitting down and beginning to pee at this point.) She asked where we all came from and I told her we were locals just out to lunch. Then I made the mistake (like I always do) of furthering the conversation a little. I told her I understood not having a free minute to myself because I had a baby. She told me she had dogs and said it was just wonderful how they watch everything she does. "Ya know, cooking, cleaning, getting busy with the old man!" and she then said, and I QUOTE:
"You know, you can say 'gettin busy', 'getting it on', 'making love' or the F-U-C-K word and the dog doesn't budge, but I say "I'm gonna go boink your Daddy" and the dog goes running."
I finished up my wee and hurried on out to have fun telling the lithium soaked waiter how to do his job and we saw the Daddy boinker come and go, she even brought cut up bananas for Dex and Lucy.
As we were leaving and she started to add up our seperate checks (that we reminded her of consistently) she told us "I don't need no calculator! I went to my second year of high school. Started kissin boys in the backs of cars then!" WINK.
Ok, maybe I'm just imagining the wink, but it seems right.
There you go Chris, a nice little story for your beee-day. :D