Might as well post my fic links

Oct 24, 2005 20:56

I dabble in Harry Potter fanfiction - mostly genfic featuring minor characters and OCs.

IMO, my best story is a Ernie Macmillan genfic, "The Importance of Being Earnest" http://www.thedarkarts.org/authors/llynn/IBE.html

I also have a HP/Thursday Next crossover "The Snape Escapade" http://www.riddikulus.org/authors/llynn/SE.html , and two OC-centric fics featuring Hufflepuffs - http://www.thedarkarts.org/authors/llynn/CB01.html and http://www.thedarkarts.org/authors/llynn/FN.html

My fics are also at the Sugar Quill http://www.sugarquill.net/index.php?action=profile&id=875

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